Kit to Replace Obsolete VCB-62MH MonitorCode: VCB-62MH-Kit
Price: $535.00
Shipping Weight: 5.00 pounds
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This kit allows a new robust and high-performing Voyager three-channel LCD monitor to mount and connect in place of the Sony VCB-62MH monitor. The original Sony monitor's dimensions were 8"W x 6"H. The new monitor's flush-mount kit requires a hole 8.4"(W) x 5.8"(H). The total area covered by the new flush-mount bezel is 9.8"W x 7"H. Some (very few) original installations of the old monitor allowed a Nav system or other video device to connect to the old monitor's auxilliary video input port. This new monitor does not have an auxilliary video input port. Please contact us if that's a problem for your application. Again, this was a very rare situation. In nearly all applications of the original monitor, the auxilliary port was not used. |